Tuesday, May 15, 2007

News on the War

There's a war on in America, and its not going to stop until it invades everybody's life, and that includes you, and that means you. Yes folks, there's no escaping Iraq and the war that continues to go on there. It seems like everybody's got a story on it, and that includes you.
I'd rather not mention my peronal connection to it, but o.k., I will. I guess there's a measure of pricavy you give up when you become a public creature in the form of making your living by having a pupbblic blog which is an analysis of recent political phenomenons and ephemora.
The war in Iraq effects everybody from the old to kids everywhere. If you think you are safe from its effects then look s again. It raises taxes and our soldiers even die, and what's not to say look out for the Iraqis. Theyu could tip the whole balance of power from one way to another without even looking. The whole region could blbow up like a powder keg and then the U.N., and it could have far reaching results even all the way over in the good old U.S.A. So don't think that you can just hide your head in the sand and look the other way, because in any direction you look (and especially under the sand), Iraqis are there, making life miserable forr everybody who doesn't worship at the idol of oil prices.
That's right, I'll be the first to say, this is a war about oil, and about freedom, trading one for the other and back again.
If you don't heed my warning, it will definitely, definitely come true.
So good citizens, kind readers, realize where we've been, and where were going. History is just one big spin cycle... and I'm not gonna let it do that to me or to my country, because I'm a Patriot, and what about you?