Monday, February 4, 2008

Holy Heck

I could go on all night telling you what the impact of the super bowl win will be on the international stocks, but Holy Heck, what am I forgetting? Oh, you know it, tomorrow is Super Tuesday, which is essentialy just the Superbowl of Politics just on Steroids. What I mean to say is that its huge, its basically the biggest day in Politics of the year.

Believe or not, this year the candidates are really heating up and you won't believe what they're saying about each other.

-Hillary Clinton "I've had enough of Obama!"

-Obama "Did you ever notice that Hillary Clinton is Ugly?"

-Cheney "Will you candidates just give it a rest already?"

-Moorman "No"

-Cheney "How's that?"

-Moorman "Why would I do what you say. Pretty soon you won't even be VEEP anymore, and I might be President."

-Cheney "You're RIGHT!"

So you already see how this might effect the stock market, right? lan Greenspan is certainly talking about it, that's for sure, just look at the Super Bowl last night, all the ads you love so much? Prime example of consumer confidence in the elections. If the consumers are confident that they will buy more stuff, they will make more ads, and all the President candidates will try harder to win. Do you know ANYTHING about politics? I hope not, cause we don't have time for that, THE ELECTION IS TOMORROW!

My advice is just suck a big dong and then just vote for Moorman, loser.

EB forever

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