Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Just kidding, I'm just not Going to vote. Do you get the difference? Seriously though, you might as well just vote for McDonald's, and while I'm note sure why that is, I'm definitely sure that it is.

Here's my graphic anatomical representation of a Voter

He's got a triangle for a head because he doesn't know any better.

He's a shower and not a grower. This is just based annecdotaly on a grower I know because he aint voting.

His eyes look strange because drawing small circles appears to be one of the limitations of Tux Paint.

He is fat and wears a blue shirt.

Potato chips crumbs, He's a SLOB!

Reading a book. What kind of book? IDK!!

Sitting in a chair, with a cushion. LAZY?!

Did I mention that he has his dick out in public? Can somebody say Ilegal?

Obama seems good, right?

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