Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I, or rather my various handlers, thought it would be a good idea to take a little time off from the grueling pace of covering the national presidential election of 2008. Some suggestions were made about what to do in the meantime while on sabatical, and everybody thought it would be best for me to take some time to pursue my original passion, fiction writing.
Back in 1978, I was studying creative fiction at the Albert Moses College for Fictional Writings at The University of Idaho, Lava Hot Springs Campus and that is when I starting writing my fiction masterwork. I got a little distracted with all my successes in recent decades, but I was happy to be able to take the last couple weeks to thrust myself back into the mode of storytelling. Here goes...

Uninhabitable Bodies/Astrological Crimes

Chapter 1.
Introductions All Around

Bertard was an astronaut. He knew all about buttons and switches and toggles and life and physics! Above all physics! Which isn't to say that he wasn't fit, because he was also very fit because of a rigorous fitness program required of him by his workplace and to some degree because of personal discpline. Theb what in the world was he doing wandering around a grody part of a horrible citty muttering to himself about trying to stop time and the nature of getting old and pennies falling out of his head and how best to visualize the physical representation of self imposed limits on the mind. He was there for drugs of course. But not just any drugs, there was this special drug that not even NASA could trace, nobody could do it!
The catch was that the drug was pretty hard to find cause the penalties were pretty steep if you got caught selling it. "God fuck this suck dick nipple twist," Bertrand thought to himself out load. "Did I saw that out load?" he then asked out loud? He had and he was really starting confusing himself. He needed that drug previously mentioned, which was, incidentally called "Drug Number Infiniti" and he needed it bad. Also incidentally and strangely at the same time, there was no street slang name for "Drug Number Infiniti," everybody pretty much always called it by its full name whenever they talked about it, but people tried to not talk about it that often so they wouldn't get into trouble.
Bertard thought he had bought it off an abandoned loading dock in this neighborhood one time. He sat down on the dock and leaned against a box.

Next time...
1. You find out more about what happens.
2. A surpirse character is introduced.
3. A surprise plot twist is revealed.
4. Lengthy descriptions of buildings and landscapes previously mentioned.

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