Thursday, March 13, 2008

A New Angle

o.k., it seems like nobody likes my revisit into fiction. i self published my first tome "Uninhabitable Bodies/Astrological Crimes" (which I so generously exerpted in yesterdays post) and opening day sales were modest at best. I recouped the publishing costs and made a couple of thousand dollars, but it ended up not even being worth my time, least of which to say my heart and soul which i poured into those sentences. so i decided to take things in a new direction. ever popular is self help spirituality genre of written work. here's an exerpt from the book I wrote this morning, which is being edited by Harry Mantoz and will be published by Scholastic in mid March.

5 Things I Want My Five Year Old Son to Ask God Before I Die

1. If my Dad goes to hell, is it my fault for making him so angry?
2. How hot is hell? Alright sorry, this is a line of questioning and not exactly one question, but is hell hot? if not what's so bad about it? if so, then, again, how hot is it?
3. If I die and go to heaven will Mommy and Dad love each other again when I get there? If Dad dies and goes to heaven will there be lots of sex in heaven? or will it be like so great there that Dad wouldn't even want to have sex because Dad will just forget about it amidst all the other fun things that will be happening that Dad hasn't even thought of yet.
4. Is abortion legal?
5. Can you make a __________ so ___________ that even you can't _________ it?

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