Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hillary! OIL SCOOPS, Start the Blog Presses, EB is back

Turds in a blanket, I'm back!

Back to doing what I arguably do best, covering American Politics with the zest of a lemon and the zeal of lemon.

Now you would probably think that coming back to the rough and tumble game of political coverage, it would take me a while to get back into the swing of things (expecially after the deeply spiritual sabatical I just took to work on me, and to also work on some passion projects) and catch up with the rest of the 24/7 Mega News community.

But, this crafty old, weasely old news dawg already got his first big honkin' scoop.


Black gold that is, and Hillary is covered in it. dripping wid it. Hillary Clinton is hiding so much in OIL revenues its enough to make somebody blue in the face. And thats not it in terms of huge revelations this week...

The House Transitional Committee voted to back down on foriegn transport in the wake of startleing revelations about the Yemeni Consolute in Beirut. A diplomatic war of aggression has broken out in the fabled city of the fertile crescent and many analysts are heading for both the proverbial and literal hills. The high water mark came just four minutes ago (at the time of publication) when the High Sheik Daskani of Beirut's fabled Eastern Corridor led a march to the steps of the Yemeni Consulate and led out a shout that could be heard all throughout Lebanon Plaza.

Now where do I come in to this heaving, heaping mess. Well not only am I internationally well connected enough to know that someone on the otherside of the world shouts just four minutes later, I am uniquely qualified to deduce the connection between Ms. Clinton and the rabble being roused half a world away in the fertile crescent.

You see, if you follow the trail of oil, quite literally, might i add, from Hillary's sludgy feet, they might just lead you where you are looking...FUUUUCK. fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuck FUUUUUUUUCK. I just can't do it. I thought I could do it but I can't...

To paraphrase NFL great Brett Farve who retired a couple weeks ago, I just get tired. Tired of having the weight of the world on my shoulders and tired of everybody watching my next move to see what I'm going to do. It's too bad because I've got too much talent and repoire and too much to say, and the American Community NEEDS to hear what I have to say, but I just can't do it. There'll be other Bloggers Political Extrodinaire, outstanding men of character who are willing to say what they mean and have the means and the resources to say it, but for now, I think I desperately need to go back on sabatical.

I may be back someday. Maybe when the world needs an incicive political blogger most desperately, or maybe not then. I'm not making any promises though. For now I just feel like I just need to be me for me, you know what I mean? Please keep me in your secular prayers, readers, and I'll think about you too.

1 comment:

Dan Friedman said...

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