Tuesday, May 15, 2007

News on the War

There's a war on in America, and its not going to stop until it invades everybody's life, and that includes you, and that means you. Yes folks, there's no escaping Iraq and the war that continues to go on there. It seems like everybody's got a story on it, and that includes you.
I'd rather not mention my peronal connection to it, but o.k., I will. I guess there's a measure of pricavy you give up when you become a public creature in the form of making your living by having a pupbblic blog which is an analysis of recent political phenomenons and ephemora.
The war in Iraq effects everybody from the old to kids everywhere. If you think you are safe from its effects then look s again. It raises taxes and our soldiers even die, and what's not to say look out for the Iraqis. Theyu could tip the whole balance of power from one way to another without even looking. The whole region could blbow up like a powder keg and then the U.N., and it could have far reaching results even all the way over in the good old U.S.A. So don't think that you can just hide your head in the sand and look the other way, because in any direction you look (and especially under the sand), Iraqis are there, making life miserable forr everybody who doesn't worship at the idol of oil prices.
That's right, I'll be the first to say, this is a war about oil, and about freedom, trading one for the other and back again.
If you don't heed my warning, it will definitely, definitely come true.
So good citizens, kind readers, realize where we've been, and where were going. History is just one big spin cycle... and I'm not gonna let it do that to me or to my country, because I'm a Patriot, and what about you?

Monday, April 30, 2007

George Tenet on 60 mintes last night

Did anybody see George Tenet on 60 minutes last nite? To change gears a bit, I'd like to ask my family to cool it with all the blogging and please respect my blog, and allow me to concentrate on the important work i'm doing. Its become kind of a sideshow to have all of you constantly airing the Bernsely family laundy (not necessarily clean or dirty) in front of all of the washington players and policy wonks who read The Daily Politics every day to keep up on need to oknw information.

Now that I've taken care of that, how about Barack Obama, it seems like he's really starting to get it, really starting to get into it, and settle into his growth as a public figure. Also, if stereotypes are to be trusted, he has an unconscionably huge dong. That being said, lets not get too excitdd, because there's alse Hillary, and John Edwards (sic). Hillary has got a lot to say, and Edwards has been around the barrell a few too many times to know not to slip up down the stretch. I think we're going to have an interesting race on our hands. A race riot if we're not careful. Just kidding, because I don't really see that happnnig.

Tommorow, the Republicans mathc up.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today's post is happy news on a personal front.

I'm happy welcome my wife, Mrs. Bernsley, to blogging. You might think that it would make me uncomfortable to have my wife blogging right along side me, but so far things have been o.k. We have very different styles. My blog includes in depth analysis of the latest ins and out and goings on in the Beltway scene, from in depth policy analysis to some light hearted gossip just to lighten the mood, while Mrs. Bernsley's is more whine-centric.

Just so you know honey, blogging isn't for everyone. It takes a lot of thought, a lot of hard work, and a fair amount of having gone to college.

That being said, the blogosphere is definitely the free market of ideas where everyone can and should be able to have their ideas heard. It is truly democratizing what was once a monopoly in the media. We should all be so lucky as to live on this planet on this glorious day...Now!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Poem about Politics (Daily)

Democrats, Republicans, Mexicans,

The fabric of
our democracy
swirrling and twirling
round a cock ring sea

as Mary said to Joseph
at the sea of Galilee

"We aint gonna wait
until year aught twenty three

its time to take some action
time to let our spirits soar.

we gotta get out there and vote
against self righteous mores.

tell moma and tell papa
tell little baby sue.

tell georgie and vincente
call up gianni too

we're gonna make a stink
gonna make a big tadoo

time to let the bastards have it
we'll pull a twenty three skidoo."

Now you may think that M and J
have nothing left to say

Well, get out of town,
go suck an egg,
go call vincente
and stay the hell away
Cause I am in love with the ole USA

I (Ed Bernsely) am hoping that someone sets this to music and it becomes the new national anthem because the current one seems embarrassingly out of date.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Scandal strikes grips quiet Washington, D.C. town

bloggy woggy doodle all day, and wasn't today a doozy. did any of you catch the herald tribune today? Of course the big news of the day is that Michael Jordan (no not that MJ) is deeply embroiled in another scandal, my favorite type, a political scandal. Rep. Michael Jordan (I-AL) has been up to old tricks. As always, the ins and out of the situation are quite hard to follow, but to serve as a quick catch up, Rep. Jordan was caught stuffing cashiers checks amounting to over 25USD down the swim trunks of a young transgendered pool cleaner working the olympic sized pool in the basement of Capital Hill.

Brendan Rancier, the 15 year old pool boy, has been remanded into protective custody, and has of yet been unavailable for comment. A supervisor, Austin Murphy of D.C. Pools said that usually Rancier worked on the large crew of mostly younger workers who clean the Reflecting Pool at the National Mall. "I danno know what the f*ggo Ranceeeer wurs doin over ons Cappy Hill. he supposa be over atta reflecin pawl. jeez dunnit i cheesed 'im yesserday if i sed it once i said it agin," Murphy, of Alexandria, V.A. said in a press conference held earlier today.

It is unclear what consequence this series of events will hold for Rep. Jordan. As of this afternoon, he has stood by his original position that he will not step down from his position despite repeated pleading from the Independent Party Whip, Rep. Jim Libsnaire (I-CA).

Jordan has already weathered implication in two complicated scams involving high level financial cons, as well as a conviction for evidence planting in a pending trial involving the murder suicide of his wife Marthat Jordan (for more information on that trial visit www.marthatjordankilledherkidsthenkilledherself.com) and two children.

That adding to the fact that Jordan was able to miss all Congressional Proceedings during his almost 20 year long NBA career without any political backlash has lead most political analysts to believe that this scandal will just blend in with what is already being called a long, colorful, violent, unabashed, dynastic, funky, immoral, underwater career.

Monday, March 26, 2007

house splits on reapproriations funding bill


Matt Smith

the following celebos took dumps

billy joel

rod carew

jennifer aniston

matt smith

jennifer aniston's was reportedly big

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Welcome to The Daily Politics

This web blog, or blog (short for we blog) is the start of something big!!
My name is Edward Bernsley. I recently left my position as Politics editor at the Washington Herald Tribune to enjoy the freedom and journalistic tools that the internet have created. It is my understanding that blogs are rapidly overtaking more traditional forms of print in many fields, but most expeciallyin the 24/7 constantly moving world of political journalism.

Below is, admittedly, just a list of names and dates that will hopefully ensure that this blog is googled frequently. Still hope you enjoy, though -- EB

Jack Abramoff
Arnold Palmer
Jackie Mason
Colin Powell
Thomas Moore
Dimitri Shastakovitch
Motor City Miracle
Osama bin Laden
Thomas Paine
Benjamin Franklin
Noam Chomsky
Sasha Baron Cohen
King James
Cody from Step by Step
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Scooter Libby
Rodney Harrison
Condaleeza Rice
Donald Trump
at large
Steve Carrell
French Stewart
Jon Stewart
Ali Ababwa
Saudi Arabia
Jim Morrison
Bob Dylan
Biff Tannon
Sam Lloyd
Zack Braff
Tom Waits
Beyonce Knowles
Hugh Jackman
Kristen Chenowith
My Chemical Romance
David Cross
french fries