Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Poem about Politics (Daily)

Democrats, Republicans, Mexicans,

The fabric of
our democracy
swirrling and twirling
round a cock ring sea

as Mary said to Joseph
at the sea of Galilee

"We aint gonna wait
until year aught twenty three

its time to take some action
time to let our spirits soar.

we gotta get out there and vote
against self righteous mores.

tell moma and tell papa
tell little baby sue.

tell georgie and vincente
call up gianni too

we're gonna make a stink
gonna make a big tadoo

time to let the bastards have it
we'll pull a twenty three skidoo."

Now you may think that M and J
have nothing left to say

Well, get out of town,
go suck an egg,
go call vincente
and stay the hell away
Cause I am in love with the ole USA

I (Ed Bernsely) am hoping that someone sets this to music and it becomes the new national anthem because the current one seems embarrassingly out of date.


Dan Friedman said...

This is beautiful, like a poem squared.

Mrs. Bernsely said...


I didn't know you had a weblog! Why didn't you tell me? I'm your most trusted wife and companion. And what's more, I didn't even know you dabbled in the poetry. Sometimes I feel like we're growing apart. I might want a divorce.

Mrs. Bernsely