Monday, April 30, 2007

George Tenet on 60 mintes last night

Did anybody see George Tenet on 60 minutes last nite? To change gears a bit, I'd like to ask my family to cool it with all the blogging and please respect my blog, and allow me to concentrate on the important work i'm doing. Its become kind of a sideshow to have all of you constantly airing the Bernsely family laundy (not necessarily clean or dirty) in front of all of the washington players and policy wonks who read The Daily Politics every day to keep up on need to oknw information.

Now that I've taken care of that, how about Barack Obama, it seems like he's really starting to get it, really starting to get into it, and settle into his growth as a public figure. Also, if stereotypes are to be trusted, he has an unconscionably huge dong. That being said, lets not get too excitdd, because there's alse Hillary, and John Edwards (sic). Hillary has got a lot to say, and Edwards has been around the barrell a few too many times to know not to slip up down the stretch. I think we're going to have an interesting race on our hands. A race riot if we're not careful. Just kidding, because I don't really see that happnnig.

Tommorow, the Republicans mathc up.


Joey Bernsley said...


Anonymous said...

you've got ten minutes to make good on your "republicans mathc (sic) tomorrow" promise, fucko. serious flagging awaits.